Are You The New Energy In The Room?


Are You The New Energy In The Room?

When you are the new energy in the room, other healers and intuitive’s LOVE you. You become the next best kept secret. You are everyone’s go-to “Mary” for channeling’s, healings, etc. But wait, just don’t have any major problems see.....

Are You The New Energy In The Room? Do you have a fresh energy perspective?

It’s raining and storming Spirit Sorority! And as some of us know, storms and rain are mother nature’s way of cleansing the earth. So if you hear some lighting crashing or thunder rolling, feel free to turn down your volume and maybe even absorb some that natural energy. Thanks for joining me on this episode of Get Back To Your Truth—A podcast that will help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix with your host, intuitive health rebel, energy worker, and medium, Angela L. Montanez. 

For those just joining the podcast, I am an intuitive health rebel, yogi, energy worker, and "mediyum". I help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix. I am also a fitness fashion style blogger at where I highlight minimalist Fit Fashion and I am also the founder of where I help my Spirit Sorority to align their minds, bodies, and souls. 

Speaking of energy, today’s podcast is entitled, Are You The New Energy In The Room? A Fresh Energy Perspective. And it’s so aligned that I am doing this podcast in the middle of a storm with lots of natural energy. I know I have been the new energy in the room PLENTY of times and have been part of the latest trend or what sells as well. 

But let’s dive into this deeper……

When you are the new energy in the room, other healers and intuitive’s LOVE you. You become the next best kept secret. You are everyone’s go-to “Mary” for channeling’s, healings, etc. But wait, just don’t have any major problems see. Because if you have too many, the new energy becomes stagnated with dense worldly issues and is no longer the new energy in the room. You’re no longer popular. There is no longer a fresh energy perspective. This may be the point you realize you are not in the “in-crowd” of certain groups within your spiritual community anymore.  I have seen this dynamic play out in churches as well as intimate spiritual groups. And if you are spiritually or energetically gifted within their scope of what is deemed as a spiritual gift, then you are definitely the new and most popular energy in the room. 

As we all know, we are still human so we create groups and boxes and we separate based on “vibrations” or spiritual “levels.” Someone in our group may mention a new healer, medium, or other intuitive and we shrink at the idea of trusting our soul with someone outside of our group unless it is referred by someone we love and trust despite the fact that this could very well change our lives. And yet still, we want to change the world. HOW? Even within the darkness, we are lighthouses so even those of us that may have more dark than light need to be shown ways to lighten up. And this doesn’t make you unworthy of anything or bad or wrong whatsoever. It simply means you have been stuck in the dark mayer of the dark places in your life for far too long and you need help to “lighten” up. 

We see this play out in relationships as well. And I cannot judge because I have done this myself and sometimes it is necessary for your growth to experience this path of yours in this fashion. You are with a guy or a girl that you know is the wrong fit. You go to one, or more, psychic(s) and they describe another individual that you know very well. Perhaps the two of you are friends. They say, “this is the one.” So you dump what you perceive as the zero to get with the soul-mate hero. And then the next several months are either hell or just really crappy. Now, many of you have had success with this path but many have not. I speak to those who have not had success and here is why. The “zero” love of your life provided something on a physical, emotional, or soul level that the “hero” soulmate may provide later on in life but he or she is not at the place yet. The “hero” has not done enough self-work to date to be everything you would hope or desire in a soulmate where the “zero” perhaps has gone through some really intense shit in their lives and they have grown in some aspects of wisdom, which may or may not affect their decision making skills cause we all know some really wise souls who make the poorest decisions. So the “zero” is feeding us and we are feeding them and they are providing what you would deem an even exchange of energy. And the “hero” has not gotten to that place of deep self-work as of yet but over time they may surpass the growth of the “zero.” 

Now here’s the big million dollar question, “Do I wait for the “zero” to become the “hero” or do I take the current “hero” and endure all the growth markers to come? And the answer is, that is up to you. Why? Because you decide what you want to put up with. Sometimes we are not done learning the lesson from the “zero” and we stay there to continue to feed what is being fed to us when no one else is feeding us. The lesson, in these situations, will always come with a rude awakening that you must feed yourself and stand in your power and it may take time to get to this point so until then, they get fed by what is offered since they feel no love exists. And what about the lesson for the “hero?” The growing pains anyone endures is not only difficult for the owner but for the supporter as well. If you want to support this individual through the growing pain time and you feel like the exchange of energy and love is worth it, by all means, run to your soulmate. But if you feel like you have work to do, they have work to do, and there is just not enough of “me” yet to assist you, keep it casual and friendly. Focus on you. And become your hero. 

And so we can go back and forth like ping pong balls trying to exist and breathe and surround ourselves with new energy, which was someone else’s old energy.  And we are excited with the new energy in the room. If you find that you are the new energy in the room, here are three things I would advise: 

  1. Tread lightly cause energetic waters run deep and if you don’t know how to swim while holding others up, you will sink, drown. 

What do I mean? If you are enduring a struggle in supporting yourself emotionally, spiritually, or even physically, and you are trying to support others in a similar capacity…guess what? Someone is the life raft in this situation and if you don’t know how to support yourself and someone else, you will sink fast. 

2. Create solid boundaries

Write it out. Spell it out. Speak it out. Color it out. Draw it out. Act it out. Make it the most imprinted line in the sand. And make sure you are solid emotionally and physically before you commit to supporting one or more people, especially as the new energy in the room because if you don’t know how to conserve yourself, you will get zapped. 

3. Take time to pray, meditate, and do some research about ways that you can conserve your energy and what tools others are utilizing in the light work they are doing. This has helped me to decide which tools and methods work for me and which do not. Practice makes better. 

In Conclusion, 

  • Just know Spirit Sorors and warrior souls that as the new energy in your small group, workshop, retreat, and even in your programs, if you are an entrepreneur, that conservation, boundaries, and energy clearing and cleansing are vital in staying fresh, having vitality, and being able to support others on your journey as a light-worker and healer on this earth. 

As Always, Stay Strong. 


Angela L. Montanez


Your Options Are Not Limited, You Are Just In A New Creative Space.


Your Options Are Not Limited. You Are Just In A New Creative Space.

Here, I have outlined the four ways to know that you are in a new creative space even though you may feel boxed in, trapped, or lost and perhaps you have not noticed any major synchronicities or messages from spirit yet and you just need to know that you are on the right path. So here we go....

Happy Indian Summer Spirit Sorority! Autumn is right around the corner here in the U.S. Northeast and I couldn’t be more elated. Thanks for joining me on this episode of Get Back To Your Truth—A podcast that will help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix with your host, intuitive health rebel, energy worker, and medium, Angela L. Montanez. 

For those just joining the podcast, I am an intuitive health rebel, yogi, energy worker, and Mediyum. I help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix. I am also a fitness fashion style blogger at where I highlight minimalist Fit Fashion and I am also the founder of where I help my Spirit Sorority to align their minds, bodies, and souls. 

I think this podcast episode is very timely as this has been a time of renewal, refocus, and new beginnings all around as the old is about to fall away. I have had spiritual visitations, found a renewed and energizing focus, and feel like I am in a place of comfort and acceptance, and I truly hope that you all are finding your way through and out of the funkiness that can sometimes occur during challenging energetic times. Speaking of challenges….


Today’s Podcast is about limited options. And I have entitled it…

Your Options Are Not Limited, You Are Just In A New Creative Space. 

Ever feel like you are moving a boulder up a hill like Sisyphus attempting to come out of a life slump or make progress only to watch it roll back down? How frustrating. I have emerged into a new space energetically and spiritually that first shifted from accepting what I was told from my Angels and guides and has shifted into full transition of what will soon manifest as something amazing. I don’t have to see it right now to know it is coming because I see the synchronicity’s or what I term “The Breadcrumb Trail” that confirms for me along my route that I am still on track. And when I feel I am boxed in, off track, not enough, or lost, I recall the message I received from God and the Angels…

Your options are not limited. You are just in a new creative space. 

And here I have outlined the 4 ways to know that you are in a new creative space even though you may feel boxed in, trapped, or lost and perhaps you have not noticed any major synchronicities or messages from spirit yet and you just need to know that you are on the right path. So here we go. 


The first way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….

  • You are trying to open doors of opportunity from a space in time and energy that has passed. And as a result, you wonder why you find no success. 


The second way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….

  • It’s not that your skillset has diminished or that you are unworthy, you haven’t taken ownership of the new season in your life or noticed that the season of your life, for your skills or the potential to grow further as is, is already pushing you forward. There is an energy ushering you forward and you are resisting for fear of the last opportunity and missing out on the last door you were trying to open. 


The third way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….

Spaces that were available 5 days ago, 5 weeks ago, or even 5 years ago have shifted. The people in those spaces are experiencing new seasons in their lives rather rapidly, especially with the re-awakening happening in the world, they have grown and shifted. In order for you to relate, you must grow and shift and move forward. This is not just about skillset. People don’t only hire skill set they hire what they have found in you and what they see mirrored in themselves. You mimic who they are and where they have been, and ultimately a lighthouse of where they are going and can go, and they have found a oneness, a relatable personal factor with you that reminds them of their journey and drive. So it is imperative that you not only grow left or right but in all ways and you enjoy the process that will foster that personal growth that is energetically pushing you.    


Lastly, The fourth way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….

  • You’re in a challenging time in your life that seems to hit back to back with small joyous breaks. Some new creative spaces are periods of transition. These can often feel the worst or most challenging cause you are not where you want to be but you are not where you came from either. In these times, your personal growth is maximized and you must focus more on creative pursuits while the time remains. When you are feeling frustrated wondering why you have not moved forward, take stock of what you currently have in your creative arsenal, I guarantee you have plenty to begin working with to move you into a new creative space. What does this look like in application terms? it can mean if you are a painter and not selling your paintings but you also write and author, and the urge to begin writing again is there then follow it. This will certainly be a creative path, especially if there has been a prompt more than once, that will open an entirely new set of creative doors for you and lay a new set of paths that will assist your painting work. “Don’t get stuck in the Mayer” as an old friend and psychic mentor once told me. Keep the energy moving always. That’s it’s role here to be constantly utilized in transition from one state of energy to another to help shift and shape for the next level or state of energy. This is how manifesting happens—when you are quiet enough, patient enough, intent enough, and have learned to follow the path that your guided energy flows, you will understand when each seasonal prompt has hit a transition marker and follow suit to expedite manifestations. It’s like a rhythm, an energy rhythm that you can snap your fingers to or sometimes even set your internal clock to because some of these shifts happen around the same times(s) each year. These are your “perennial” and “annual” energy growth markers. 


In Conclusion, 

  • Just know Spirit Sorors that your options are not limited and never have been. You are just in a new and creative space that must be nurtured, cultivated, and fostered. And this new space will provide doorways and paths for all your other creative pursuits to flow. 

Stay strong in this time and refocus to get back to your truth. 


-Angela L. Montanez 


Angela L. Montanez

Angela L. Montanez is a Health & Fitness Rebel, Channeler, Mediyum, Prophet, Psychic, Ancient, Old Soul, Energy Worker, Health Rebel, and Plant-Based Foodie in New York City. She believes that healing is possible and possibility is where the healing begins. She believes that miracles are the result of the healing path that began with a possible thought. Angela empowers her Spirit Sorority to align their minds, bodies, and souls.

She is the lead MediYum, wellness rebel girl, and fit-fashion blogger at You can find her at  

Angela has lost 120+ pounds and was featured in People Magazine’s "Half Their Size" Special Edition 2017, People Magazine's annual “Half Their Size” issue for 2016,  Good Morning America, ABC News, E! News, Inside Edition, The Huffington Post, Forks Over Knives Success Stories, and more.  She is an avid believer of herbal medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, a plant-based diet, and other alternative forms of healing that have assisted her in rebuilding her health while enduring 28+ years with an autoimmune liver disease and Cirrhosis. 

Angela resides in New York City with her family and 2 dogs. 

Get Back To Your Truth; Creating Waves of Silent Space aka Peace

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Creating Waves of Silent Space

In Today’s episode, we are talking about creating space and peace where chaos exists. While meditating, I heard “Peace is the distilling of erratic vibrations we call noise long enough and deep enough creating waves of silent space.” The distilling of erratic vibrations with waves of silent space. How beautiful is that...


“Get Back To Your Truth” Introductory Episode: Creating Waves of Silent Space aka Peace. 

Happy November Rebel Girl Squad! Thanks for joining me on this Introductory episode of Get Back To Your Truth; From Ashes To Phoenix. I am your host Angela Montanez. For those just joining the podcast, I am an intuitive health coach, life hauler, energy worker, healer, spiritual communicator and medium. I help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix.  I am also a style blogger at where I highlight minimalist Fit Fashion and founder at Door 24 Agency where I help my Rebel Girl Squad to live fiercely, peacefully, and healthy.  

So a little bit about me. I have been on a 25+ year journey of my own burning down the singed and faulty-built aspects of my own life, losing 120+ pounds on a plant-based diet and being featured in People Magazine’s annual Half Their Size issue in 2016 and book in 2017. I was also featured on Good Morning America, E! News, Inside Edition, Forks Over Knives Success Stories and more. I would not have been able to create or attract this flow of opportunity without adhering to the voice of my Angels, my spirit guides, ancestors, and God. And I want to give you the tools to clear the ashes in your own life so that you too can hear clear enough to rebuild, redirect, and reclaim the life you truly want. Because it IS meant for you. 

In Today’s episode, we are talking about creating space and peace where chaos exists. While meditating, I heard “Peace is the distilling of erratic vibrations we call noise long enough and deep enough creating waves of silent space.” The distilling of erratic vibrations with waves of silent space. How beautiful is that. And that silent space is naturally unfiltered love. Pure love.

We are essentially in a time of uproar, frustration, loss, sadness, and great fear. But we are also in a time of movement. A time of elevation. A time of purifying and erratic drawl. It’s sort of like when broken bones existed and never set properly. They must be re-broken and then reset. We are in that space. And it’s not easy. It’s hard. We are privy to the world’s suffering on social media and we have 24 hour access to international news that holds our attention and drains our energy. Many of us, like myself, are extremely empathic and are absorbing every bit of this energy. We feel sad. We feel angry. We feel scared. We feel helpless. We are also in a time of clearing. Anything not serving us will fall away—if we are brave enough to let it go. This also means the hidden intentions of those close to us rise to the surface and are revealed. We will be very surprised by this unveiling. We will see friends become enemies and the best circles fade. And this too will shake us up emotionally and we will heavily require some type of tool that can help stabilize us through this life transition and provide peace.  

So how do we create these waves of silent space and create peace even for a few minutes? What type of tools can we utilize that we can manage in and out of the home to promote peace? 

In order to understand our role in this worldly equation, in order to hear and process our human timeline and goals, in order to exhale and regain clarity, we must stop participating in the rat race of this tech-driven world. What does that mean and what does that look like? It means shut down. Yeah, I said it. shut it all down. 

  1. The First Act Toward Creating Waves Of Silent Space is indulging in a Social Media detox. 

You don’t need to be the first one to post your photo on IG about an event. You don’t need to tell people how pissed you are about FB posts. You don’t need to have FB disputes with those on your friends list. If you consider yourself as someone not attracted to drama, spare yourself the drama. Disconnecting does not mean that no one knows you exist. It means that the right people will always exist in your real life and make sure you are okay. So take a day, a week, a month. However long you need and don’t announce it. You want connection but not by seeking attention through your announcement of withdrawing from social media. That’s counterproductive, and that’s not the way to connect authentically or create peace. If anything, it will create anxiety cause you will be checking your status update to see who cares enough to respond to the fact that you are leaving the social media platform. Don’t do it to yourself. 


If you must connect to social media for your job or your business, keep it strictly business, set a start and stop time, and disconnect once you are home or during your off-time. 

2. The second tool for creating peace is a Television Detox.  

Reality TV comprises more than over 750 unscripted and 350 new original unscripted shows on Television according to NatGeo. That’s a hell of a lot of shows, characters, drama, and emotions that we are intaking everyday and this does not even include the major television news outlets including affiliates and their shows.

According to the social cognitive theory, we have more of a chance of performing a violent behavior if it is seen to be justified. And with Reality TV drama, we see over-the-top cat fights, name calling, and glorified violence. Absorbing even a small amount of this daily will shift your mood and energy. 

Focus on family. Indulge in a creative venture. Go outdoors and explore. Become a tourist in your own town or city. Or better yet, travel. 

  1. Meditate. 

-Meditation can help preserve the aging brain. constructed an article in 2015 on the 7 ways meditation can actually change the brain.  in which they stated, “The practice appears to have an amazing variety of neurological benefits – from changes in grey matter volume to reduced activity in the “me” centers of the brain to enhanced connectivity between brain regions.” UCLA also came out with a study citing that claimed Meditation helps the aging brain. According to the report, “While overall life expectancy has been increasing, the human brain still begins deteriorating after the first two decades of life and continues degrading further with increasing age. Thus, techniques that diminish the negative impact of aging on the brain are desirable.” Altogether, their findings seem to suggest less age-related gray matter atrophy in long-term meditation practitioners.

-Reduces activity in the brain’s “Me” center. 

A study done by Yale University found that mindfulness meditation decreases activity in the default mode network (DMN), the brain network responsible for mind-wandering and self-referential thoughts – a.k.a., “monkey mind.”

-Its Effects Rival Antidepressants for Depression, Anxiety

-Meditation May Lead to Volume Changes in Key Areas of the Brain

In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard found that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: Eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. There were also decreases in brain cell volume in the amygdala, which is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress – and these changes matched the participants’ self-reports of their stress levels, indicating that meditation not only changes the brain, but it changes our subjective perception and feelings as well. 

-Just a Few Days of Training Improves Concentration and Attention

-Meditation Reduces Anxiety — and Social Anxiety

-Can help school-age children with cognitive and emotional benefits. 

Personally, I love to utilize youtube for a variety of Tibetan Singing Bowl videos versus watching crazy videos that have no real merit. According to an article done by, there are more than 500 million channels on youtube presently. That’s a lot of input, a lot of voices, a lot of varied energy, and a lot of noise. This noise is in competition with current information clutter from television, netflix, social media, retail marketers, and more vying for your attention. Everyday the world is reaching for you to part with your money, your security and your sanity. If they can create noise, distract you, and keep you from thinking accurately then you will end up making decisions that may not benefit you but in-turn benefit their bottom line. So keep your money, your security, your sanity and meditate. It can be as simple as making breakfast listening to something instrumental or relaxing. You can listen to worship music or music from your faith of choice. You can enjoy a creative pursuit in silence such as painting, drawing, knitting, crafting, mechanics, reading, or any other activity where your focus is direct and your mind relaxed. 

Some additional tools for creating space can include….

-Read a book. 

-Listen to music from another era and preferably light-hearted. 

-Indulge in active and creative activities. 

-Light a candle and make an indulgent meal. 

-Give modern electricity a break and safely light candles.

-Journal your thoughts and emotions.

-Spend time with positive people

-Spend time with pets and other tamed animals

-Spend time outdoors

And there’s much more that you can do to create waves of silent space within that are peaceful. 

So loves, I hope you enjoyed this introductory episode on creating waves of silent space also known as peace. Be sure to look out for Episode 2 of Get Back To Your Truth. I would love to hear from you all and receive some questions that I can center some of my episodes around. And although I am not a medical provider and I do not claim to be one, I believe information is a free resource and the more we can assist and help direct one another toward progressive health, healing, and happiness, the better. So any questions you may have regarding peace, meditation, nutrition, health, fitness, yoga, movement, and the spiritual world are all welcomed. 

You can also find me online at on my style blog at, and across social media (when you are done with your detox) under @AngelaLMontanez. I have a signature program also entitled, Get Back To Your Truth; From Ashes To Phoenix and I also offer Soul Dive “psychic” and Medium Readings. 

Thanks so much for tuning in. I look forward to chatting with you next time. Be well and remember to live fiercely, peacefully, and healthy.  


UCLA Brain Study on Meditation:

Forbes Study on Meditation: 




Angela L. Montanez

Angela L. Montanez is a Health & Fitness Rebel, Channeler, Mediyum, Prophet, Psychic, Ancient, Old Soul, Energy Worker, Health Rebel, and Plant-Based Foodie in New York City. She believes that healing is possible and possibility is where the healing begins. She believes that miracles are the result of the healing path that began with a possible thought. Angela empowers her Spirit Sorority to align their minds, bodies, and souls.

She is the lead MediYum, wellness rebel girl, and fit-fashion blogger at You can find her at  

Angela has lost 120+ pounds and was featured in People Magazine’s "Half Their Size" Special Edition 2017, People Magazine's annual “Half Their Size” issue for 2016,  Good Morning America, ABC News, E! News, Inside Edition, The Huffington Post, Forks Over Knives Success Stories, and more.  She is an avid believer of herbal medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, a plant-based diet, and other alternative forms of healing that have assisted her in rebuilding her health while enduring 28+ years with an autoimmune liver disease and Cirrhosis. 

Angela resides in New York City with her family and 2 dogs.