Your Options Are Not Limited, You Are Just In A New Creative Space.
/Your Options Are Not Limited. You Are Just In A New Creative Space.
Here, I have outlined the four ways to know that you are in a new creative space even though you may feel boxed in, trapped, or lost and perhaps you have not noticed any major synchronicities or messages from spirit yet and you just need to know that you are on the right path. So here we go....
Happy Indian Summer Spirit Sorority! Autumn is right around the corner here in the U.S. Northeast and I couldn’t be more elated. Thanks for joining me on this episode of Get Back To Your Truth—A podcast that will help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix with your host, intuitive health rebel, energy worker, and medium, Angela L. Montanez.
For those just joining the podcast, I am an intuitive health rebel, yogi, energy worker, and Mediyum. I help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix. I am also a fitness fashion style blogger at where I highlight minimalist Fit Fashion and I am also the founder of where I help my Spirit Sorority to align their minds, bodies, and souls.
I think this podcast episode is very timely as this has been a time of renewal, refocus, and new beginnings all around as the old is about to fall away. I have had spiritual visitations, found a renewed and energizing focus, and feel like I am in a place of comfort and acceptance, and I truly hope that you all are finding your way through and out of the funkiness that can sometimes occur during challenging energetic times. Speaking of challenges….
Today’s Podcast is about limited options. And I have entitled it…
Your Options Are Not Limited, You Are Just In A New Creative Space.
Ever feel like you are moving a boulder up a hill like Sisyphus attempting to come out of a life slump or make progress only to watch it roll back down? How frustrating. I have emerged into a new space energetically and spiritually that first shifted from accepting what I was told from my Angels and guides and has shifted into full transition of what will soon manifest as something amazing. I don’t have to see it right now to know it is coming because I see the synchronicity’s or what I term “The Breadcrumb Trail” that confirms for me along my route that I am still on track. And when I feel I am boxed in, off track, not enough, or lost, I recall the message I received from God and the Angels…
Your options are not limited. You are just in a new creative space.
And here I have outlined the 4 ways to know that you are in a new creative space even though you may feel boxed in, trapped, or lost and perhaps you have not noticed any major synchronicities or messages from spirit yet and you just need to know that you are on the right path. So here we go.
The first way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….
- You are trying to open doors of opportunity from a space in time and energy that has passed. And as a result, you wonder why you find no success.
The second way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….
- It’s not that your skillset has diminished or that you are unworthy, you haven’t taken ownership of the new season in your life or noticed that the season of your life, for your skills or the potential to grow further as is, is already pushing you forward. There is an energy ushering you forward and you are resisting for fear of the last opportunity and missing out on the last door you were trying to open.
The third way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….
Spaces that were available 5 days ago, 5 weeks ago, or even 5 years ago have shifted. The people in those spaces are experiencing new seasons in their lives rather rapidly, especially with the re-awakening happening in the world, they have grown and shifted. In order for you to relate, you must grow and shift and move forward. This is not just about skillset. People don’t only hire skill set they hire what they have found in you and what they see mirrored in themselves. You mimic who they are and where they have been, and ultimately a lighthouse of where they are going and can go, and they have found a oneness, a relatable personal factor with you that reminds them of their journey and drive. So it is imperative that you not only grow left or right but in all ways and you enjoy the process that will foster that personal growth that is energetically pushing you.
Lastly, The fourth way to tell that you are in a new and creative space is that….
- You’re in a challenging time in your life that seems to hit back to back with small joyous breaks. Some new creative spaces are periods of transition. These can often feel the worst or most challenging cause you are not where you want to be but you are not where you came from either. In these times, your personal growth is maximized and you must focus more on creative pursuits while the time remains. When you are feeling frustrated wondering why you have not moved forward, take stock of what you currently have in your creative arsenal, I guarantee you have plenty to begin working with to move you into a new creative space. What does this look like in application terms? it can mean if you are a painter and not selling your paintings but you also write and author, and the urge to begin writing again is there then follow it. This will certainly be a creative path, especially if there has been a prompt more than once, that will open an entirely new set of creative doors for you and lay a new set of paths that will assist your painting work. “Don’t get stuck in the Mayer” as an old friend and psychic mentor once told me. Keep the energy moving always. That’s it’s role here to be constantly utilized in transition from one state of energy to another to help shift and shape for the next level or state of energy. This is how manifesting happens—when you are quiet enough, patient enough, intent enough, and have learned to follow the path that your guided energy flows, you will understand when each seasonal prompt has hit a transition marker and follow suit to expedite manifestations. It’s like a rhythm, an energy rhythm that you can snap your fingers to or sometimes even set your internal clock to because some of these shifts happen around the same times(s) each year. These are your “perennial” and “annual” energy growth markers.
In Conclusion,
- Just know Spirit Sorors that your options are not limited and never have been. You are just in a new and creative space that must be nurtured, cultivated, and fostered. And this new space will provide doorways and paths for all your other creative pursuits to flow.
Stay strong in this time and refocus to get back to your truth.
-Angela L. Montanez