Are You The New Energy In The Room?
/Are You The New Energy In The Room?
When you are the new energy in the room, other healers and intuitive’s LOVE you. You become the next best kept secret. You are everyone’s go-to “Mary” for channeling’s, healings, etc. But wait, just don’t have any major problems see.....
Are You The New Energy In The Room? Do you have a fresh energy perspective?
It’s raining and storming Spirit Sorority! And as some of us know, storms and rain are mother nature’s way of cleansing the earth. So if you hear some lighting crashing or thunder rolling, feel free to turn down your volume and maybe even absorb some that natural energy. Thanks for joining me on this episode of Get Back To Your Truth—A podcast that will help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix with your host, intuitive health rebel, energy worker, and medium, Angela L. Montanez.
For those just joining the podcast, I am an intuitive health rebel, yogi, energy worker, and "mediyum". I help you to set fire to the decaying aspects of your life so you can go from ashes to phoenix. I am also a fitness fashion style blogger at where I highlight minimalist Fit Fashion and I am also the founder of where I help my Spirit Sorority to align their minds, bodies, and souls.
Speaking of energy, today’s podcast is entitled, Are You The New Energy In The Room? A Fresh Energy Perspective. And it’s so aligned that I am doing this podcast in the middle of a storm with lots of natural energy. I know I have been the new energy in the room PLENTY of times and have been part of the latest trend or what sells as well.
But let’s dive into this deeper……
When you are the new energy in the room, other healers and intuitive’s LOVE you. You become the next best kept secret. You are everyone’s go-to “Mary” for channeling’s, healings, etc. But wait, just don’t have any major problems see. Because if you have too many, the new energy becomes stagnated with dense worldly issues and is no longer the new energy in the room. You’re no longer popular. There is no longer a fresh energy perspective. This may be the point you realize you are not in the “in-crowd” of certain groups within your spiritual community anymore. I have seen this dynamic play out in churches as well as intimate spiritual groups. And if you are spiritually or energetically gifted within their scope of what is deemed as a spiritual gift, then you are definitely the new and most popular energy in the room.
As we all know, we are still human so we create groups and boxes and we separate based on “vibrations” or spiritual “levels.” Someone in our group may mention a new healer, medium, or other intuitive and we shrink at the idea of trusting our soul with someone outside of our group unless it is referred by someone we love and trust despite the fact that this could very well change our lives. And yet still, we want to change the world. HOW? Even within the darkness, we are lighthouses so even those of us that may have more dark than light need to be shown ways to lighten up. And this doesn’t make you unworthy of anything or bad or wrong whatsoever. It simply means you have been stuck in the dark mayer of the dark places in your life for far too long and you need help to “lighten” up.
We see this play out in relationships as well. And I cannot judge because I have done this myself and sometimes it is necessary for your growth to experience this path of yours in this fashion. You are with a guy or a girl that you know is the wrong fit. You go to one, or more, psychic(s) and they describe another individual that you know very well. Perhaps the two of you are friends. They say, “this is the one.” So you dump what you perceive as the zero to get with the soul-mate hero. And then the next several months are either hell or just really crappy. Now, many of you have had success with this path but many have not. I speak to those who have not had success and here is why. The “zero” love of your life provided something on a physical, emotional, or soul level that the “hero” soulmate may provide later on in life but he or she is not at the place yet. The “hero” has not done enough self-work to date to be everything you would hope or desire in a soulmate where the “zero” perhaps has gone through some really intense shit in their lives and they have grown in some aspects of wisdom, which may or may not affect their decision making skills cause we all know some really wise souls who make the poorest decisions. So the “zero” is feeding us and we are feeding them and they are providing what you would deem an even exchange of energy. And the “hero” has not gotten to that place of deep self-work as of yet but over time they may surpass the growth of the “zero.”
Now here’s the big million dollar question, “Do I wait for the “zero” to become the “hero” or do I take the current “hero” and endure all the growth markers to come? And the answer is, that is up to you. Why? Because you decide what you want to put up with. Sometimes we are not done learning the lesson from the “zero” and we stay there to continue to feed what is being fed to us when no one else is feeding us. The lesson, in these situations, will always come with a rude awakening that you must feed yourself and stand in your power and it may take time to get to this point so until then, they get fed by what is offered since they feel no love exists. And what about the lesson for the “hero?” The growing pains anyone endures is not only difficult for the owner but for the supporter as well. If you want to support this individual through the growing pain time and you feel like the exchange of energy and love is worth it, by all means, run to your soulmate. But if you feel like you have work to do, they have work to do, and there is just not enough of “me” yet to assist you, keep it casual and friendly. Focus on you. And become your hero.
And so we can go back and forth like ping pong balls trying to exist and breathe and surround ourselves with new energy, which was someone else’s old energy. And we are excited with the new energy in the room. If you find that you are the new energy in the room, here are three things I would advise:
- Tread lightly cause energetic waters run deep and if you don’t know how to swim while holding others up, you will sink, drown.
What do I mean? If you are enduring a struggle in supporting yourself emotionally, spiritually, or even physically, and you are trying to support others in a similar capacity…guess what? Someone is the life raft in this situation and if you don’t know how to support yourself and someone else, you will sink fast.
2. Create solid boundaries
Write it out. Spell it out. Speak it out. Color it out. Draw it out. Act it out. Make it the most imprinted line in the sand. And make sure you are solid emotionally and physically before you commit to supporting one or more people, especially as the new energy in the room because if you don’t know how to conserve yourself, you will get zapped.
3. Take time to pray, meditate, and do some research about ways that you can conserve your energy and what tools others are utilizing in the light work they are doing. This has helped me to decide which tools and methods work for me and which do not. Practice makes better.
In Conclusion,
- Just know Spirit Sorors and warrior souls that as the new energy in your small group, workshop, retreat, and even in your programs, if you are an entrepreneur, that conservation, boundaries, and energy clearing and cleansing are vital in staying fresh, having vitality, and being able to support others on your journey as a light-worker and healer on this earth.
As Always, Stay Strong.
Angela L. Montanez